What To Pack For Your Pets When Moving Houses

Moving with a pet can be a lot like moving with kids. As a pet parent, you undoubtedly want to make the move to a new home as stress-free as possible. One way to do this is to prepare their things in two categories: what goes on the moving truck and what comes with you. Here's what you may want to include in both types. 

To Pack on the Moving Truck

Anything you won't need within the first couple of weeks in the new home should be packed together for the moving truck. This usually includes things like excess toys and blankets, outdoor gear, their veterinary records, and fun stuff like costumes. 

However, include some extra food and water from their regular sources and brands. The new house may be chaotic, and you don't want to run out of food or medicine when you arrive. Water from the old home can help your pet avoid travel sickness and adjust to their new environment.  

Ask the movers to load all pet boxes on the truck at the end so they're easily accessible when you get to your new house. This reduces the volume of things most pet owners feel they must hand-carry to avoid possible problems or emergencies. 

To Pack and Take With You

Your pet needs some practical items and some comfort items for the actual trip. On a practical level, include their bed and crate so they have a safe place to spend time on moving day and during the trip. In addition, pack a bag with some food, water from home, medicine, leashes, plastic bags, and cleaning supplies. Add a tag with their new address to their collar before leaving your home. 

Don't forget to include comfort items for Fido or Fluffy. Bring their preferred treats, a few favorite toys and blankets, basic grooming supplies, and any special travel prescriptions for the journey. When you know your pets are comfortable, you'll have less stress during the move — which benefits both you and them. 

Where to Start

Does your pet have particular needs during the move? Are you unsure how long you may be on the road with them? Want reassurance that their gear will be kept accessible and safe on the moving truck? 

Start by meeting with skilled and experienced moving companies in your area to learn more tips and tricks. No matter how far or near your new home is, they'll help you and your four-legged friends arrive safely. 
